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Time to Quit?

Time to Quit?

Time to Quit?

Struggling already with your New Year resolutions?
Here are Anne Penman's 12 Tips to help you quit smoking in 2020.

1. Don't be afraid

Every smoker is well acquainted with the fear that comes when the day we've planned to quit smoking arrives. We're suddenly filled with doubt about whether quitting is a good idea. Maybe we should wait until we're not so busy and stressed. Next week or next month would be easier we tell ourselves, as we light up and start coming up with excuses to avoid the dreaded day.

Don't let fear stop you before you get started. Make a plan and do it!

2. Use a smoking diary to help you prepare

When we write everything down, it helps affirm our reasons for stopping.

3. Find support

Having others who are interested in your success is important. Be honest and talk about your feelings – we know it’s not easy but it’s worth it.

4. Eat Well

Smoking cessation throws our bodies into shock initially. As damaging as the chemicals are in cigarette smoke, we've become accustomed to them and we feel their absence physically when we quit.  Nicotine withdrawal can introduce a host of symptoms, but if you take care to give your body the fuel it needs to run properly, you'll minimize and cope better with the discomforts associated with this phase.

Don't load up on empty calories that leave you feeling tired and cause weight gain. Keep the right foods within easy reach. It's especially important right now.

5. Drink Water

Water will help flush residual toxins out of your system and beat your cravings to smoke. When you're well-hydrated, you'll feel better in general, which is a plus when you're going through nicotine withdrawal.

6. Get Your Beauty Sleep

When you are tired cravings to smoke will seem stronger and you'll have less energy to deal with them. Fit a full 8 hours of sleep in every night, and nap here and there if you need it.

If you have trouble sleeping when you first quit smoking, try taking a long walk a couple of hours before bed.

7. Get Moving

If you already have a daily exercise regime, great.  Keep it up. If not, start now. Choose something you enjoy doing and you'll be more likely to stick with it. Not only will it help you minimize weight gain but exercise also creates endorphins which will give you a feel-good boost.

Aim for a half-hour of exercise every day. Walking is a low-impact activity that is suitable for most people and is a quick fix if you have the urge to smoke. Get out for a 15-minute walk around the block when you're feeling edgy and you'll come back refreshed and relaxed.

8. Renew Your Resolve Daily

Your determination to quit smoking is built one day at a time. Every smoke-free day makes you stronger. Practise the NOPE word. Not One Puff Ever

9. Be well-armed with information

Decide on your quit method and follow your plan.  Whatever you choose it’s better than before. The choice now is endless so there’s no excuse for not trying.

10. Accept and Let It Go

Relax into your quit programme and embrace cravings to smoke as they come along.  Most cravings only last 3-5 minutes. Think of them as signs that your body is healing, because that is just what they are

11. Don't Fall for Junkie Thinking

Quitting smoking is the best thing you will ever do so don’t feel sorry that you can't smoke, be delighted you are choosing not to smoke because you want to be free of this killer addiction.

12. Stay Positive and Be Patient

Give yourself the gift of time and patience. Work to undo old patterns and replace them with newer, healthier choices. Each day you complete smoke-free brings you closer to the lasting freedom you're after.

Make 2020 the year you break free and start your new smoke-free life 

You are worth it.

For more information about Anne Penman Laser Therapy call us on 0141 637 5956 or get in touch