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Is Stopping Smoking one of your New Year Resolutions for 2021

Is Stopping Smoking one of your New Year Resolution for 2021

Is Stopping Smoking one of your New Year Resolutions for 2021

We continue to receive calls from smokers who are desperate to stop smoking but fear the Covid -19 pandemic's added stress means that they will fail. Some say they feel pessimistic about the year ahead in every way and don't see the point in making any New Year Resolutions, so I thought it may be useful to share some positive things that might help you decide to become a non-smoker in 2012.

Benefits of Stopping Smoking

  • improve your immune system - helping your body fight disease.
  • enables you to breathe much easier.
  • your lung capacity improves by up to 10% within nine months of stopping smoking.
  • having maximum lung capacity is more important than ever with the threat of Covid -19

You will feel less stressed

Many people who smoke do so because they believe it calms them down. This is because nicotine is a mood-altering drug and it seems to smolder feelings of frustration, anger, and anxiety when it’s inhaled.

However, the Cleveland Clinic explains that while smoking may make you think you feel calmer, it actually increases the level of stress in your body and causes the following negative reactions:

  • an increase in blood pressure
  • an increase in heart rate
  • tensed muscles
  • constricted blood vessels
  • a decrease in oxygen available to the brain and body to facilitate healthy coping skills

Reduce your risk of the following 

  • severe illness from Covid-19.
  • respiratory infections, pneumonia, colds and flu.
  • heart or lung disease.

Stay Positive

Remember it's normal to feel overwhelmed in abnormal situations like we are experiencing at the moment. Take care of your mental and physical health. Be kind to yourself, rest and find new ways to relax. Exercise - any form of exercise that makes you feel good - walk - dance. Reach out to friends and Family by video chat or telephone. Staying and feeling connected helps us feel more secure.

Get in touch

If you would like more information on how to quit smoking then don't hesitate to get in touch.

Our UK clinics are currently closed due to the ongoing lockdown. However, we can still offer helpful advice by either telephone, Messenger or Skype.